Isis TeacherWall

Isis TeacherWall™ Simple but brilliant teaching wall The Teacher Wall houses a central whiteboard (interactive or standard) mounted on a top-hinged panel which neatly conceals all cabling for an ultra-short thr …

Winged Confidential Magnetic Dry Wipe Tamperproof Board

The Standard locking Tamperproof noticeboard with solid whiteboard doors for keeping work hidden and confidential. Features: The tamperproof has Magnetic whiteboard as its core to be used as a whiteboard. The t …

Dyslexia Friendly Classroom Boards

COLOURWIPE is a Dyslexia Friendly range of coloured drywipe surfaces for inclusive teaching environments for all abilities. Features: Available as wall mounted dry wipe boards with an Aluminium Frame. The paste …

Dyslexia Friendly A4 Lapboard with Three Lines

What is it: COLOURWIPE is a range of coloured drywipe surfaces for inclusive teaching environments for all abilities and are Dyslexia Friendly. These boards have 3 lines printed on one side. Features: Available …

Single sided 4 BOX portrait Phonic design

What is it: Single sided 4 BOX portrait Phonic design on the COLOURWIPE range of coloured drywipe surfaces for inclusive teaching environments for all abilities and are Dyslexia Friendly. All packs INCLUDE 4 bl …

Elite Junior Double Sided Magnetic Mobile Whiteboard

What is it: Elite Junior Double Sided Magnetic Mobile on a Blue Frame Features: The Elite range is only available as double-sided Magnetic (coated steel) whiteboard drywipe surface and is approximately 30cm lon …

Junior Mobile double sided Whiteboard

  Features: This smaller version is a double-sided whiteboard for our junior populations. The whiteboard is 900x600mm in size and the overal height of the unit is 1220mm. The double sided whiteboard surfac …

A4 Non Magnetic Lapboard Whiteboards

What is it: A4 Non Magnetic Lapboard Whiteboards in Packs of 10   Features: The boards are 750 microns or 0.75mm thick and are double sided. There are five different boards available: Plain / Plain; Plain …

Dyslexia Friendly Colourwipe Lapboards.

COLOURWIPE is a range of coloured drywipe surfaces for inclusive teaching environments for all abilities and are Dyslexia Friendly. Features: Available in packs of 5 individual double sided A4 boards. The paste …

Heavy Duty Plastic Framed Dry Wipe Boards

Plastic multi coloured lightweight double sided whiteboards with a magnetic or non magnetic surface. Features: Available in either A3 or A4 sizes. The coloured lap boards makes learning fun and exciting for chi …